Drew Siebert
Dillon, Ltd.

Louisburg, KS 66053

Phone : 913-322-0054

Type of Industry: Mergers & Acquisitions Consultant; Business Broker
Professional Focus
Drew found his career in Mergers and Acquisitions consulting after going through the process twice, first in buying and later in selling a small Kansas City business. He focuses on providing complete M&A Consulting services. That means he doesn’t just put buyers and sellers together, but provides several additional services, including:
- Preparing the business for sale
- Transition Tax/Structure Planning (alongside your accountant)
- Goal Clarification and Strategy Creation (Personal & Financial)
- Emotional & Mental Considerations around the sale
- And much more
Background & Qualifications
Aside from his bachelor’s degree in engineering (K-State) and his master’s in business administration (Southwestern), Drew utilizes ten plus years of experience in sales & marketing management, personal and professional development, and business value maximization to help clients achieve their personal, professional, and financial goals. After purchasing his first business (a six year winding journey) and later selling that business (a six month emotional roller coaster) he knew that he wanted to help other businesses through similar transitions. “I sincerely enjoy analyzing the people, processes, culture, and finances of a business to create strategies for the current owner to maximize value prior to sale or help the buyer unleash a new acquisition’s full potential.” Married with two kids, if Drew’s not working in the office, he’s probably building fence or working goats with his family on his farm outside Louisburg, Kansas.